Mint NFT for Ticketing | Web3

NFT Ticketing is a means to Mint NFT Tickets for Events and Shows as a substitute for Physical Tickets. In NFT Ticketing the Ticket is stored on the blockchain and is transferred to the buyer once the payment has been made. User purchases these NFT Tickets or Passes from the Event Website or NFT Marketplace.

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Features Mint NFT for Ticketing

Put a Stop to Fake Ticketing

Mint NFT for Ticketing prevents scams that happen for Physical or Online tickets where the ticket can be duplicated. The Ticket is Unique and Non-Fungible and cannot be duplicated.

Track Event Participants

Mint NFT for Ticketing and track them with Blockchain Technology. The Event Organizers will Mint a specific number of NFTs and can track the owner of the NFT.

Track Ticket Owners

In the traditional ticketing system, a ticket owner when selling their ticket to another buyer there is no track of the new buyers information. NFT Minted for ticketing registers the new buyers information on the blockchain which can be tracked.

Instant Production

Instantly Mint NFT for Ticketing on the blockchain, unlike traditional process. The SmartContract on the blockchain allows you to Mint NFT Tickets for the Event immediately.

Recover Ticket Cost

After the event is over the NFT Ticket can be redeemed for different offers on the event website. The NFT Ticket can also be sold on the NFT Marketplace.

Secure Events

Mint NFT as a Ticket and keep all the Ticket buyer data stored on the Blockchain. The data cannot be manipulated and is only overwritten when the ownership of the NFT Ticket is transferred.

Benefits Mint NFT for Ticketing

Multiple Blockchain

Mint NFT Ticket for Events on Ethereum, Polygon, BSC, Algorand, Avalanche, Solana, Tron, Hyperledger Sawtooth, R3 Corda, Tezos, EOSIO, Stellar, ConsenSys Quorum, XDC Network, Corda, Klaytn, Celo, Harmony, and NEAR.

Store in Multiple Wallets

Mint NFT Tickets and store them on MetaMask, Edge, Coinbase, Electrum, Pera, MyAlgo, Phantom, and Exodus and cold wallets like Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano X, Trezor, and Ellipal Titan.

Blockchain Technology

Using Blockchain technology all the data stored is publicly available to everyone. Mint NFT Ticket using this technology and have your data and ticket free of any manipulation.

Cheaper Tickets

In traditional methods, the tickets are not useful after the event is over. But Mint NFT Ticket on blockchain and redeem it later on Website or Sell it on Marketplace.

Is it safe to Mint NFT as a Ticket for Events?

Mint NFT for Ticketing is a secure and flawless process. It solves major issues about Ticketing such as Copies, Black Tickets, Ownership, and Production. The process of Mint NFT for Ticketing is similar to the generic NFT Minting process. A Smart Contract is written for Minting the Ticket and instantly the tickets are created on the blockchain. The NFT Tickets come with all the Blockchain technology security features.

How to verify the NFT ticket at the Event?

Mint NFT Ticket with some unique data in the metadata. The unique data could be an ID, Encrypted code, or QR code that can be verified at the Physical Event. For the Virtual Event, the user can connect their Wallet to the event website and the NFT Ticket can be verified and access can be given accordingly. Ultimately all the NFT Ticket data is stored on the Blockchain and multiple applications can be built to verify the NFT Ticket Ownership.

How to redeem the benefits of the NFT Ticket after the Event?

The NFT Tickets can be redeemed later on the Event page or on NFT Marketplace. After the Event, the user can visit the event website and purchase souvenirs, goodies, or other products at a discounted price with the NFT Ticket. The user can also go ahead and sell the NFT Ticket on the Marketplace. This makes NFT Tickets a very progressive approach as a substitute for Physical Tickets.