Table of Contents

    Setup NFT Token Gating for all sites and meetings

    In this guide, we will see how you can setup NFT Token gating for any website like Wix, WordPress, Squarespace, Joomla, Drupal, and a lot more to protect users from accessing specific pages and content. You can also secure applications like Google Drive, Google Meet, Zoom, Webx, Adobe Connect by enabling NFT Token Gating .
    Let’s take a look at the steps to get started with NFT Token Gating today.

    Follow the Step-by-Step Guide given below to setup NFT Token Gating for all sites and meetings

    Step 1: Sign up with Dapps

    Step 2: Setup NFT Token Gating for your site

    • After successful login, you will be redirected to the dashboard, and in the dashboard, you have to select the preferred CMS where your site is hosted. If you can't find your CMS, select others(Here we have selected Wix).
    • NFT Token Gating for website or meeting-go to dahboard
    • Enter Site Details like, your App Name, Domain name ( and the Server URL.
    • If you don’t know the server IP, open your command prompt or terminal window and run “ping domainName“ Eg -: ping Copy the highlighted IP (without the bracket) and paste in server URL field.
    • NFT Token Gating forwebsite or meeting-server ipNFT Token Gating forwebsite or meeting- enter site details
    • Click on Next and it will redirect to the Token Gating Configuration page .
    • Enter Token Gating Configuration like:
    • NFT Token Gating for website or meeting- token configuration

        a. Select from full site or page based token gating.(In full site token gating the whole site will be NFT token gated and for page based token gating only the url page configured will be NFT token gated.)

        b. For Page Based Token Gating provide the following details

          i. Enter page path - > Here enter the page which you want to NFT token gate
          For eg : is the domain and i want to NFT token gate so in page path enter /nft to NFT token gate it. /nft and all its child pages will be NFT token gated.

          ii. Select Blockchain where your smart contract is deployed.

          iii. Enter Token Standard. I.e ERC721 or ERC1155.

          iv. Enter contract address.

          v. Enter Token Id.

          vi. Enter minimum NFTs required to access the configured page.

          vii. Click on add to configure more configuration for page based NFT token Gating.

          viii. After authentication if the user don’t have required NFT to view the restricted content then they will be shown customized page which shows unauthorized access and will contain a button which will redirect the user to the provided link. The link could be the page of the NFT listed on Opensea or any other marketplace.

    • For Full Site Token Gating the steps remain the same as in Page Based Token Gating.
    • After filling all the details click on Next.
    • NFT Token Gating for website or meeting- select option

    Step 3: Setup Branding for your site

    • Once we click on next we are redirected to a page where we are supposed to fill in the Branding details like.
      1. 1. Logo Upload: Upload your own logo to personalize the page.

        2. Connect Wallet Button Customization: Customize the Connect Wallet Button by adjusting the Button Text, Button Text Color, and Button Color.

        3. Buy NFT’s Button Customization: Similarly, customize the Buy NFT’s Button with options for Button Text, Button Text Color, and Button Color to align with your branding, mirroring the Connect Wallet Button.

        4. Page Message Customization: Personalize various page messages, including Restricted Content Message Header, Restricted Content Message, Error Content Message Header, and Error Content Message.

        5.Redirection URL Details: Specify Redirection URLs for seamless navigation, including Buy NFT Redirection Link and Home Page Redirection Link

    • Click on Next.
    • NFT Token Gating for website or meeting-branding

    Step 4: Domain Verification

    • Once click on Next, It will redirect us to a Domain Verification Page where you have to point your domain to [] to verify the ownership of the domain. For point the domain follow the steps shown on the screen.
      • Note: DNS changes may take some time to reflect.

    • Now click on SUBMIT button.
    • NFT Token Gating for website or meeting- domain verification

    Your application has been successfully configured. Now let’s see the case where the user does not have the required NFT and a case where the user has the required NFT.

    NFT Token Gating for website or meeting- successfully configured application

    CASE 1 : Where the user does not have the required NFT to access the gated content.

    • If we go to token gated page, we cannot access the page as we are prompted for a crypto wallet authentication.
    • NFT Token Gating for website or meeting - token gated page connect wallet btn
    • Once we click on connect wallet we are supposed to connect to our Crypto Wallet such as MetaMask Wallet.
    • NFT Token Gating for website or meeting- select wallet
    • The user does not have the required NFT, so he can’t see the gated content. Instead, the user will see a buy NFT button that will redirect him to the NFT marketplace.
    • NFT Token Gating for website or meeting buy nft button

    CASE 2: Where the user has the required NFT to access the gated content.

    • If we go to token gated page, we cannot access the page as we are prompted for a crypto wallet authentication.
    • NFT Token Gating for website or meeting- connect wallet button
    • Now when user click on connect wallet he will need to connect the MetaMask Wallet with the required credentials and click on Sign in the Signature Request.
    • NFT Token Gating for website or meeting-select wallet
    • Now the user has the required NFTs, he will be able to access the gated content.
    • NFT Token Gating for website or meeting-access page

    Additional Resources

    We proudly enable NFT integration across renowned blockchains such as Ethereum, Solana, Binance, Polygon, POAP, and more. This empowers you to implement NFT gating seamlessly on your exclusive websites

    Contact us

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    Mail us on for quick guidance(via email/meeting) on your requirement and our team will help you to select the best suitable solution/plan as per your requirement.