Manage Access to Discord Channel based on NFT

Manage your Discord Channel by authorizing access & assigning roles based on NFT ownership in Crypto Wallet. Simplify the Role Assigning on Channel through NFT Ownership with the option to upgrade your user discord Role based on NFT owned.

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Why is NFT the best way to manage Discord Channel?

Manage the Discord Channel roles like Administrators, Moderators, and Members with NFT. The user who owns specific NFT collections in their Crypto Wallet connected to Discord can only have access to Discord Channel. Multiple Roles are assigned on Discord Channel based on various parameters. NFT is a flawless parameter to assign roles on Discord channels. The process is entirely secure, the user connects their Crypto Wallet to Discord and the Wallet is scanned for the NFT collection. If the user has ownership of specific NFT in their Crypt Wallet then access to Discord is permitted. Additionally, this can be further configured to Assign roles on the channel based on NFT ownership. Users can upgrade Discord Roles by purchasing NFT from popular NFT Marketplaces.

Merits of NFT to Manage Discord Channel & Roles

NFT Gated Communities

Create NFT Gated Communities on Discord where the user with a specific NFT in their Crypto Wallet can access the channel. It is an effective method to have a secure Community on Discord free of unethical activities.

Record User Information

Make it mandatory for users to fill in basic information like Name, Email, and Country when connecting their Wallet to Discord. Store this information with the Wallet address in the database and capitalization on marketing.

Discord NFT Analytics

NFT owned in Wallet can be tracked to record user activities on the discord channel. The user has ownership of NFT through which access to the Discord channel is granted. This same NFT can be used to track and record user activity.

Connect Wallet to Discord

Connect Crypto Wallet to Discord and achieve multiple Web3 use cases. Popular Discord Web3 use cases Creating Gated Communities and Assigning Roles on Channels are all achieved once Wallet is connected to Discord.

NFT tokens supported on Discord

NFT tokens both Native and Custom Minted on Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, Hyperledger Fabric, IBM Blockchain, Hyperledger Sawtooth, XDC Network, Chainalysis, AlgoRand, NEAR, Avalanche and Chainweb. Custom Tokens Minted can easily be integrated with Discord for achieving Web3 solutions.

Popular Web3 Solution for Discord

Keep Clear of Scams

Give access to Discord Channel for users who have NFT in their Crypto Wallet. This is an effective way to keep hackers and Intruders away from your channel.

Create Community

Mint NFT for a specific domain and list it on NFT Marketplace. Gate your Discord Channel based on these NFTs and create a community of like-minded people.

Manage Discord Roles

Assigning the Roles on Channel can be made easy through NFT ownership. NFT is an effective parameter for Role management and roles can be easily scaled and downgraded through NFT transactions.

NFT Gated Communities

Keep unwanted users out of your Discord Channel. An effective approach to allow only NFT holders to have access to Discord Channel and Create a Gated Community.

Connect Wallet to Discord

Connect user Wallet to Discord Channel to achieve multiple use cases. Through NFT ownership in Crypto Wallet Gate Discord Channel, Manage Roles and Keep Free of Scammers.

Integrate with Bots

Integrate Discord Web3 solutions with popular Bots like Carlbot, Dynobot, and Tupperbox. Bots are important in Discord Channel and can be integrated with Web3 assets.

Which Wallets can be integrated with Discord?

All popular Wallets can be integrated with Discord. Connect Wallets like MetaMask, Edge, ZenGo, Trust, Ambire, BitGo, CoinPayments, MyEtherWallet, Coinomi, Jaxx, Electrum Coinbase, Electrum, Pera, myAlgo, Phanton, and Exodus to Discord. Similarly, Wallets based on different blockchains such as Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, Hyperledger Fabric, IBM Blockchain, Hyperledger Sawtooth, XDC Network, Chainalysis, AlgoRand, NEAR, Avalanche and Chainweb can be integrated with Discord. The Native and Custom tokens of the Wallets and Blockchain can be integrated flawlessly.