Crypto wallet login & NFT token gating for Enonic XP

Crypto wallet login for Enonic XP website with popular wallets support like MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Wallet Connect QR code, Ledger, and Trezor and exclusive access to products, events, communities, content, in-person events, and more to your NFT token holders.

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Crypto wallet login for Enonic XP

Secure one-click login with crypto wallets to your Enonic XP application to remove the traditional email/password registration process. Allow your users to prove their identity and crypto account ownership with 20+ supported popular hot crypto wallets like MetaMask, Edge, Coinbase, Electrum, Pera, and myAlgo and cold crypto wallets like Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano X, Trezor, and Ellipal Titan.

Combine the accessibility and ease of web2 protocol with the capabilities of web3 technology and offer your users the simplest and safest way to sign up. You can enable social login (google, facebook) along with web3 login.


Enable Web3 capabilities for Enonic XP

Login with crypto wallet

Log into the Enonic XP website through hot crypto wallets like MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, Edge Wallet, Trust Wallet, and Exodus and cold wallets like Ledger and Trezor. The wallets private keys are secure and the crypto wallet login to Enonic XP is done securely.

NFT token gating

Access can be restricted to your Enonic XP content based on ownership of NFTs by your users. The user does a crypto wallet login to the Enonic XP website and by verifying ownership of NFTs from specific NFT collections, access is given to the user. NFT based token gating is a popular approach to managing access to your Enonic XP resources.

Role Mapping based on NFT-owned

Assign role on Enonic XP based on NFT ownership in a crypto wallet. The users crypto wallet connected to Enonic XP is verified for NFT and accordingly, roles are assigned. NFT Ownership based role assigning on Enonic XP is flawless and can be equipped to manage role-based access for your users.

Access to exclusive products on Enonic XP eCommerce

Manage Enonic XP eCommerce store based on NFT owned in a crypto wallet. Allow users who own NFTs access to exclusive products. Additionally, give discounts to users based on NFT ownership in crypto wallets on Enonic XP.

Multi Chain support

Support for a multichain blockchain or a project deployed across multiple networks so that they can communicate with one another. Cross-chain technology support to allow assets to flow between unrelated blockchains. It uses a smart contract to allow networks to interact seamlessly.

Media Restriction

Manage access to different media like images, videos, audio, and downloadable files based on NFT ownership in a crypto wallet. Users can purchase NFT from the marketplace to access NFT restricted media.

Crypto wallet supported for Web3 Enonic XP Integration

Smart Features

Hot wallets

Hot wallets like MetaMask, Edge, Coinbase, Electrum, Pera,myAlgo, Phanton, and Exodus manage and store NFTs over the internet and function as a browser extension.
Secure Contents

Cold wallets

Cold wallets store the NFTs offline in the hardware.Web3 works flawlessly with cold wallets like Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano X, Trezor, and Ellipal Titan.

What else do you get?

NFT marketplace

Create an NFT marketplace on Enonic XP with the features to mint NFTs and do NFT transactions. Allow users to list their NFT collection on the Enonic XP NFT marketplace Users can do crypto wallet log in to the Enonic XP NFT marketplace and do transactions.

Mint NFTs from Enonic XP

Mint Images, Videos, Music, Blogs, and Art from Enonic XP into NFTs with the option to sell on different NFT marketplaces like OpenSea, SuperRare, and Rarible. Support for the Lazy minting feature on Enonic XP, where gas fees for minted NFT are paid after purchase.

Import and Embed NFT

Import NFT from the user-connected crypto wallet and display them on Enonic XP pages and user accounts. Support to Import/Embed the entire NFT collection from the OpenSea NFT marketplace to page and display/print NFT details.

Support for crypto payments

Support for users to do crypto payments on the Enonic XP eCommerce store and website. Web3 Enonic XP integration allows eCommerce store owners to do transactions and accept popular and custom currency tokens.

Bring your own NFT

You can create your own smart contract (or NFT token in simple terms), deploy it to the blockchain of your choice (such as Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain) , and then mint your own tokens using it. We support your custom smart contacts or NFTs.

We also support custom minted NFTs on your own private blockchains or one of the available marketplace (such as Opensea, Mintable, and more). We can help you create your NFT smart contacts with our no-code UI and do token gating with the custom NFT tokens.


Supported blockchains

Web3 Enonic XP Integration for crypto wallet login to Enonic XP, NFT gating, and Restrict access on Enonic XP page based on NFT ownership and Role assigning based on NFT ownership on Enonic XP is supported on multiple blockchains Ethereum, Polygon, BSC, Algorand, NEAR, Hyperledger Fabric, Ripple, Cardano, Polkadot, Celo, Harmony, Tron DAO, XDC Network, Eosio, Klaytn, Stellar and Solana. Support to Convert Enonic XP into NFT marketplace, NFT minting, Importing, and printing NFT on all blockchains. Additionally for crypto wallet login to Enonic XP and NF token gating on Enonic XP support for the blockchain-based wallet.

Whats the function

Let’s see how it works



Web 3.0 authenticates the visitor’s ownership of the crypto wallet when they log in to the website using the crypto wallet.

Grant Token

On successful authentication, if the visitor possesses the NFT collection specified by the website owner, they can access the restricted content.

Redirect to Marketplace

Visitors who do not possess the required NFT collection will be directed to the NFT marketplace for purchase.